If you have questions about our club, please contact us at

 We have two General monthly meetings and one BIPC Board Meeting per month. The General meetings are held the second and third Wednesdays of the month from 7:00 to 9:00 PM at the Bainbridge Island Senior Center, in Huney Hall. Each of the two General monthly meetings has a different theme. The first of the two monthly General meeting’s (the second Wednesday) theme is Photo Sharing by members or Education Night. Photo Sharing meetings are held on the odd numbered months of the year and Education Night is held on the even numbered month. Everyone is welcome to attend meetings, but you must be a member to enter a photo for sharing. The second of the two General monthly meetings are either what we call Third Wednesday Workshop (TWW) or Movie Night. BIPC Board Meetings are held at the Bainbridge Island Senior Center on the third Wednesday of each month from 10:00 AM to Noon.

At the first of the two monthly meetings for the Photo Sharing meeting (odd-numbered months), members submit images they would like to display and have reviewed by others. The meeting is set up with a moderator, commenters and members. When a member’s photo is shown, the member speaks on their photo, then the commenter speaks. When the commenter is finished the other participating members have an opportunity to speak. Quite often we have commenters from other local clubs. Having your images discussed is one of the best ways to get important feedback on your photos. Please see the Photo Sharing link for instructions to submit photos for sharing. On Education Night meetings (even numbered months), members are presented with an educational theme of some kind, often led by outsiders who bring in fresh ideas.

The second of the two monthly meetings are for either what we call Third Wednesday Workshop (TWW) or Movie Night. Third Wednesday Workshop (TWW) meetings present photographing techniques and ideas. These may include small tidbits of new information or more in-depth skills. On Movie Nights are evenings where movies pertaining to photographers and photography are presented.

For the month of December, we will only have a second Wednesday of the month meeting. This is for our annual Holiday Potluck Dinner. Board Members for the following year are elected, after which we generally have members’ slideshows.

Please check our CLUB MEETINGS page for additional information on what the subject matter will be for each meeting.