March 2025
The special theme is “People or Portraits”
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These Boots Were Not Made for Walking by Dawn Bockus
Capital by Jon DeArman
Trees by Jon DeArman
March for Our Lives Photographer by Chuck Eklund
The End by Chuck Eklund
Front Runners at Rotary Auction by Dawn Bockus
LA Model by Diane Hutchings
LA Model by Diane Hutchings
Piper by Dorothy Rosenbladt
Vickie by Dorothy Rosenbladt
Age 93 by Grace Hensley
Gardener's Hands by Grace Hensley
Mirabelle by Hadley Chamberlain
Mirabelle by Hadley Chamberlain
Jim by Chuck Eklund
Jim by Chuck Eklund
Swavy and His People by Chuck Eklund
Swavy and His People by Chuck Eklund
Crowd in the Square by Irma Suplee
Salty Sailor by Irma Suplee
Model Shoot by Jane Herzog
Paula Reading by Paul Brians
Paula Reading by Paul Brians
Paula Reading by Paul Brians
People in Park by Paul Brians
Experimental Selfie by Gerald Young
Selfie Dentist by Gerald Young
Durer Before by Robert Ardinger
Durer After by Robert Ardinger
Escher Before by Robert Ardinger
Escher After by Robert Ardinger
Ed by Bob Rosenbladt
Vickie by Bob Rosenbladt
Anemome Clown Fish by Steve Hannuksela
Snorkeling with Whale Sharks by Steve Hannuksela
Newly Cuban by Richard Mancuso
Gangs All Here by Richard Mancuso
Alms for Hanuman by Sue Ann DeArman
Hanuman by Sue Ann DeArman
Fresh by Tom Hansen
Fresh by Tom Hansen
Lean on Me by Tom Hansen
Lean on Me by Tom Hansen
Rainy Day by Tony Lam
You Can Do It by Tony Lam
Flamenco Dancer by Yuwei Li
Flamenco Dancer by Yuwei Li
Girl Without the Earring by Yuwei Li
Gay Pride Portraits by Rob Wagoner