November 2024
The special theme is “Leaves”
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Leaf and Stone by Chuck Eklund
Thimbleberry leaf by Chuck Eklund
Fall at bainbridge sign by Dawn Bockus
Peeking Through the Shamrocks by Diane Hutchings
Winter is Coming by Diane Hutchings
Invitation to Autumn by Dorothy Rosenbladt
Quaking Aspens by Dorothy Rosenbladt
Raindrop on Mayapple Leaf by Glen Wyatt
Rotlaub Leaf in the Fall by Glen Wyatt
Sugar Maple by Hadley Chamberlain
Corporal by Hadley Chamberlain
Springtime by Irma Suplee
Simplicity by Irma Suplee
Bloedel ducks by John McKenzie
Bloedel Japanese garden by John McKenzie
Shadowy Leaves by Jane Herzog
Sun Beam-North Park Mall by Jane Herzog
Arbutus Leaf as Object by Jerry Young
Arbutus Leaves by Jerry Young
Leaf Shadows on Arrow Point by Paul Brians
Autumn Color at St. Barnabas by Paul Brians
Ginko by Robert Ardinger
Salal by Robert Ardinger
Ghost Leaves Before by Bob Rosenbladt
Ghost Leaves by Bob Rosenbladt
Falling Leaves by Bob Rosenbladt
Fall Trees Before by Rob Wagoner
Final Fall Trees by Rob Wagoner
Purple Pine Nest Before by Rob Wagoner
Purple Pine Nest by Rob Wagoner
Stewartia Leaves In Motion by Tom Hansen
Fall Colors by Tom Hansen
Tree Fern by Tony Lam
Glowing Leaves bt Tony Lam
Homage to Ansel Adams before by Yuwei Li
Homage to Ansel Adams after by Yuwe Li
Infra Red before by Yuwei LI
Infra Red after by Yuwei Li
Christmas cactus by Dawn Bockus
Harbor Rainbow by John McKenzie
Underwater Photographer by Steve Hannuksela
Soft Coral and Sponges by Steve Hannuksela