BIPC Organization Guidelines

Article I: Name, Affiliation, and Purpose

  1. These Guidelines govern the organization known as Bainbridge Island Photo Club. In this document it is referred to simply as the Club.

  2. The Club is an affiliate of the Bainbridge Island Senior Community Center and operates under its auspices.

  3. The Club's purpose is to assist members with enjoyment of photography and improvement in their photographic skills.

Article II: Membership and Dues

  1. Membership is open to all adults and teenagers interested in photography, irrespective of where they live.

  2. Membership becomes effective upon payment of dues to the Club. Continuing members shall pay annual dues before the start of the calendar year.

Article III: Organization

  1. The Club shall have a Board of Directors, also called simply the Board.

  2. The Club shall have four Officers: a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.

  3. The Club shall have such Committees as may be approved by the Board.

  4. A member may serve in more than one position, but will have no more than one vote on the Board.

Article IV: Elections

  1. In the fourth quarter of each calendar year, the Club shall elect nine (9) board members for the following year.

    1a. If the Newsletter Editor is not an elected Board member, he/she will be appointed by the Board and will become a tenth board member.

    1b. Members on the Board shall not exceed ten (10), with a maximum of nine (9) elected members.

  2. In the first quarter of each calendar year, the Board shall select the Officers. If an Officer position becomes vacant, the Board may fill it.

  3. In the first quarter of each calendar year, the Board shall appoint the Club Committees, as outlined in Article VI. They may make additional committee appointments at other times.

Article V: Board of Directors

  1. The Board shall manage the affairs of the Club, consistent with these Guidelines and any other instructions provided by a majority vote of Club members.

  2. The Board shall set dues, approve expenditure of funds, schedule meetings and other activities, and determine any rules for such activities.

  3. The Chairperson shall preside at meetings of the Board and of the full Club. The Vice-Chairperson shall act in the absence of the Chairperson. The Secretary shall keep official Club records. The Treasurer shall manage Club finances and report on them to the Board.

  4. The Board may, by two-thirds majority vote, add members to the Board, or remove members from any position.

Article VI: Committees

  1. Each Committee shall manage the affairs of the Club in its area of responsibility, consistent with these Guidelines and any instructions provided by the Board or by a majority vote of the Club.

  2. Each Committee shall report to the Board.

  3. Each Committee may select a leader, appoint Club members to the Committee, form subcommittees, and appoint heads of those subcommittees.

Article VII: Amendment of Guidelines

  1. These Guidelines may be amended by a two-thirds vote of Club members, provided that the proposed amendment has been distributed to the membership at least two weeks prior to the vote.