The Bainbridge Island Photo Club (BIPC) was organized as a non-profit in 1999 on Bainbridge Island, WA, in Kitsap County. A few people wanted a place where they could share what they know and don’t know about photography, and thereby improve their skills and enjoyment. They were right. Those who have been around since the early days will claim that the quality of the Club’s photography has improved over the years.
We have two monthly meetings, the second and third Wednesdays of the month from 7:00 to 9:00 PM at the Bainbridge Island Senior Center (370 Brien SE, Bainbridge Island) , in Huney Hall.
Meetings on the second Wednesday of the month are devoted to either members Sharing Photos or Education Nights. Sharing Nights are held on the odd numbered months and Education Nights are held on the even numbered months of the year.
On the third Wednesday of the month, the meetings will either be what we call Third Wednesday Workshop (TWW) or a Movie Night.
Please see our MEETINGS page for further details and instructions for submitting photos.
Bainbridge Island holds a large annual 4th of July celebration. During this event BIPC holds their annual print exhibit of members’ photos in the Bainbridge Island Senior Center from 10:00 AM to 4:PM. The public is invited to vote on their 5 favorite photos.
Occasionally field trips are arranged for those interested in getting together for photography outings.
For additional information, please email us at