Instructions and Guidelines for Photo Sharing

For years, BIPC has been a place where members can share their experiences and knowledge of photography to improve their skills and enjoyment.

The Board determined that it would be helpful to provide our members with a guiding statement about the content of images that they submit as well as a process for dealing with any photos that may be considered "controversial”.

Statement of Board Guidelines for Sharing Images

We believe that submitted photos should contain subjects appropriate for all ages. Those that contain sexually explicit, obscene, violent, demeaning, racially or religiously biased or other objectionable or inappropriate content, as determined by the BIPC Board in its sole discretion, are ineligible for submission. It is also the responsibility of our photographers, if they have a question about photos that may fall into any one of these categories, to contact one of the Board members to discuss this.

Monthly shared images are automatically posted on our website, excluding images of children. Members may request in writing that an image not be put on website or shared beyond our meeting.

Photo Sharing

By joining BIPC the member acknowledges and agrees that all images submitted for meetings or other club activities are created from original images by said member and not copies or alterations of others’ work. Images from other sources may be used for educational purposes but must include the image source and maker. Members are encouraged to add their copyright information to the metadata when processing images.

  • There are three categories of entries: General, Special Monthly Theme and slideshows and video.

  • The Special Monthly Themes are selected by the BIPC Board of Directors.

Each Sharing Meeting focuses on a specific theme, (such as landscapes, still life, complementary colors, etc).

The themes selected for 2025 are as follows:

People/Portraits - March 12th

Bridges - May 14th

Panning - July 9th

Minimalism - September 10th

Macro and Closeup - November 12th

Geometric Shapes - Jan 14th 2026

General Rules for Submitting Images

  • Members may submit up to 2 photos per meeting or one slideshow or video, not to exceed five minutes.

  • Photos may be either digital, print or one of each. All print images must be submitted in digital form and print is then displayed at the meeting.

  • You may submit a “Before and After” image to illustrate processing and these count as one submission.

  • When a member’s photo is shown, the member should come prepared to talk about their image. We usually have pre-assigned commenters who will offer a critique. Any member at the meeting is encouraged to make additional comments.

  • For some guidelines in evaluating image see “helpful hints.” (add link)

  • You must be an active member of BIPC in order to submit images.

  • Note: Club members may choose to participate in various competitions such as for The Northwest Council of Camera Clubs (NWCCC) or other competitions. Tom Hansen coordinates the submissions for NWCCC and informs members when and how to submit images.

How to Prepare and Title Your Images

For Digital Images:

File format should be JPEG (jpg).

File size should not exceed 3000 pixels on the long side. Downsize if needed. For best image quality try to avoid using images that are under 2000 pixels on long edge.

For panoramas the size should not exceed 4000 pixels on the long edge.

When titling your images use underscores as separators and submit images as follows. Spaces are allowed between first and last names. Try to avoid using long titles.

Start with M or G for the category: M for monthly theme and G for general.

Following category, underscore followed by your initials, then a number from 1-4 after your initials to designate the order you want them shown, underscore again and add title of image, underscore and add your name followed by .jpg


G_JD1_Rain Forest_John Doe.jpg

M_JD2_Lake Chelan Canoers_John Doe.jpg

For before and after images, use the same title using number to designate order. Generally the before is shown first but your choice.

Example for Before and After Images:

M_AA1_Moonrise Over Hernandez_Ansel Adams.jpg

M_AA2_Moonrise Over Hernandez_Ansel Adams.jpg

For Prints:

You must submit a digital version as well as bring you print to the meeting.

For digital version use the same above instructions with the addition of the word “print” preceding .jpg as in the following example.

  G_JD1_Rain Forest_John Doe.print.jpg

Mount prints on mat board or foam board no more than 1⁄4 inch thick. 16” x 20” maximum. Print size is up to the individual (such as 12 x 16 or 8 x 10). Top mats are not required but will help protect the image when prints are stacked together. No frames allowed.

The print’s identification must be provided indicating your name, title, category and arrow (to indicate which is “up”) on the back of the print.

Bring your prints to meeting by 6:45 pm.

Submitting Slideshows and Videos for In-person meetings:

Bring the slideshow or video on a thumb drive in an MP4 format at least 20 minutes before the meeting.

Intent to show a slideshow should be sent to <PENDING> by the same deadline as other images.

The presentation should have continuity such as a theme, a series of related images, a trip, a subject of particular interest, a study or project, etc.

No additional images may be submitted at the same meeting.

Final Step:

Once images are completed images should be sent to <PENDING> and the subject line should be “Photo Sharing”. Images must be submitted and received by midnight of the Friday before the Photo Sharing Meeting. If you plan to show a slideshow your intent to do so should be sent to this email by the deadline.

You should get an email back confirming that your images were received.

Helpful Hints


  • Readily identifiable center of interest/subject (dominant theme with subordinate contrasting theme vs confusing/competing interests).

  • Background compliments subject in level of details/simplicity/color/texture and overall composition – (watch 1/3 rule…not absolute) good balance of elements, harmony of idea, color, mass, form, line.

  • Uses horizontal/vertical “frame” limit effectively (properly cropped).

  • Leading lines to guide viewers eyes (with repetition of elements for visual continuity…be aware of rule of “odd numbers”).


  • Correct contrast…highlights/shadows in detail.

  • Proper lighting (esp. face) …delicate elements lighted softly, watch excessive illumination, distracting hot spots.

  • Sharp in- focus image (esp. eyes) …motion/blur appropriate to composition/depth of field appropriately utilized color saturation or appropriate color cast.

  • Parallax (tilting bldgs. unless creatively exaggerated), horizon (too centered or not level).


  • Immediate emotional reaction (strong mood displayed…wonder, intrigue, fun, awe etc.).

  • Extraordinary/unique use of design elements (striking color values, dramatic lighting, unusual arrangement).

  • Especially creative (strong or unusual subject/content).

  • Unique perspective/not copying standard views or old ideas (views presented in new ways).

  • Unusual bonding of picture elements (striking opposites juxtaposed…e.g. tiny kitten interacting with a Great Dane, baby’s hand holding the hand of an elder, light/shadows etc.).

  • An intellectual challenge or tells a story (a good title helps tell your story).