March 2024
The special theme is “Something Made From Wood”
Click on a photo to enlarge. Use the direction arrows on either side of the photo to rotate through the collection. Click on the “X” in the upper right corner to return to the Gallery Page
Astoria Bridge by Norm James
Fishing Boats before by Norm James
Fishing Boats after by Norm James
Hummingbirds before by Yuwei Li
Hummingbirds after by Yuwei Li
Ice Abstract by Paul Brians
Kalaloch Beach before by Chuck Eklund
Kalaloch Beach after by Chuck Eklund
Shack and Almost Full Moon by Chuck Eklund
A Rustic Bridge by Chizuko Farley
Crooked Stairs by Chizuko Farley
Rural Bainbridge by Colleen Parker
Skagit Valley Relic by Colleen Parker
Driftwood Horse by Dawn Bockus
Siloby Dawn Bockus
"Woody" before by Diane Meyer
"Woody" after by Diane Meyer
Suquamish Sunrise by Dorothy Rosenbladt
Bowl by Dorothy Rosenbladt
Kaleidoscope before by Diane Hutchings
Keleidoscope after by Diane Hutchings
Net Shed Reimagined by Diane Hutchings
MadeOfwood 1 by Grace Hensley
MadeOfwood 2 by Grace Hensley
Dappled Light by Glen Wyatt
Art Imitates Life by Glen Wyatt
Get Me Out of Here by Jerry Young
Wood Carving by Jerry Young
1882 Edison by Hadley Chamberlin
Wood Decor by Hadley Chamberlain
On Chilcoot Trail by Irma Suplee
Intricate Bridge by Irma Suplee
Barrel Maker Before by Pat Egaas
Barrel Maker After by Pat Egaas
Figurehead Before by Pat Egaas
Figurehead After by Pat Egaas
Hana Surfer's Shack Before by Rick Smith
Hana Surfer's Shack After by Rick Smith
Mandolin by Bob Rosenbladt
Top by Bob Rosenbladt
Basic Wood A by Rob Wagoner
Basic Wood B by Rob Wagoner
Crockodile A by Rob Wagoner
Crocodile B by Rob Wagoner
SV Robert Gaskin by Steve Hannuksela
Sailing Into The Sunset by Tom Hansen
Sailing Into The Sunset by Tom Hansen
Andaman Sea Wooden Boat by Tom Hansen
Boardwalk by Tony Lam
Old Chair in the Woods by Tony Lam
Woodgrains and Troll before by Yuwei Li.jpg
Woodgrains and Troll after by Yuwei LI