BIPC Organization

The Club is a non-profit organization that relies on membership dues and participation. It has a governing set of guidelines that are determined by vote by the board of directors.

Below is a list of BIPC Board Members and their respective responsibilities. We encourage participation from all BIPC members and welcome their ideas and input. We rely on our members to assist with the assorted tasks in order to keep the club viable and active.

The Board meets monthly by Zoom on the third Wednesday of the month at 10:00 am. We welcome other club members to attend. If you wish to join a meeting let Diane know so she can send you the Zoom link.

Name Role
Diane Hutchings President, Education Co-Chair, Chair of July 4th Print Exhibit, Bainbridge Island Senior Center (BISC) Representative, Audio/Visual Support
Bob Rosenbladt Vice President, Secretary, Education Co-Chair, Photo Sharing Coordinator, Ars Poetica Coordinator, Audio/Visual Support
Glen Wyatt Treasurer and New Member Liaison
Chuck Eklund Newsletter Editor and Publisher, Audio/Visual Equipment Support
Rob Wagoner Pat Egaas Gallery Manager, Publicity
Tom Hansen Northwest Council of Camera Clubs (NWCCC) Representative
Dawn Bockus Coordinator for Annual Holiday Dinner & Refreshments, Mat Making Support
Pending Education Committee
Richard Mancuso Education Committee
Tony Lam Website Manager