Helpful Hints: some of the criteria to consider in helping to determine a “strong image”


  • readily identifiable center of interest/subject (dominante theme with subordinate contrasting theme vs confusing/competing interests)

  • background compliments subject in level of details/simplicity/color/texture and overall composition – (watch 1/3 rule…not absolute) good balance of elements, harmony of idea, color, mass, form, line

  • uses horizontal/vertical “frame” limit effectively (properly cropped)

  • leading lines to guide viewers eyes (with repetition of elements for visual continuity…be aware of rule of “odd numbers”)


  • correct contrast…highlights/shadows in detail

  • proper lighting (esp. face)…delicate elements lighted softly, watch excessive illumination, distracting hot spots

  • sharp in- focus image (esp. eyes)…motion/blur appropriate to composition/depth of field appropriately utilized color saturation or appropriate color cast

  • parallax (tilting bldgs. unless creatively exaggerated), horizon (too centered or not level)


  • immediate emotional reaction (strong mood displayed…wonder, intrigue, fun, awe etc.)

  • extraordinary/unique use of design elements (striking color values, dramatic lighting, unusual arrangement)

  • especially creative (strong or unusual subject/content)

  • unique perspective/not copying standard views or old ideas (views presented in new ways)

  • unusual bonding of picture elements (striking opposites juxtaposed…e.g. tiny kitten interacting with a Great Dane, baby’s hand holding the hand of an elder, light/shadows etc.)

  • an intellectual challenge or tells a story (a good title helps tell your story)
