My Shot

March 2025

Vickie by Bob Rosenbladt

This photo was from a workshop last year in Prague led by Bryan Peterson. In the 5 day workshop we had 3 models that we worked with for several days. Vickie was one of those models. Getting to know Vickie was a real pleasure. She grew up in southern Russia during the war there. Hearing about her tribulations as a girl were truly sobering. In spite of that, she has become an engaging and optimistic woman who is a marvelous model.

We were working in a house in Prague and I noticed this stairway as we went into the house each morning. One day at our lunch break Dorothy and I asked Vickie if we could get her to pose on the stairs. There were fantastic shadows but the lighting was a mix of daylight, incandescent and fluorescent, so white balance was a bit tricky. I used Silver efex Pro to do the conversion to Black and White. I thought the resulting photo has a classic film noir look to it.

LA Model by Diane Hutchings

Last November when I visited Jane Herzog we went to the Frank Gehry Disney Concert Hall in downtown LA to photograph this amazing building of curved facades of stainless steel.

Later we wandered to an outdoor atrium of the building and came upon a photo shoot of this model. It seemed so LA to me with the model adorned with furs, pearls and an extra wide brimmed black hat. We both got some quick shots, trying not to be too obvious.

This is a tight crop of the photographer interacting with the model.

I was drawn to the way the wide brim of her hat was concealing one eye, showing her red lips and perfect skin. I also noted how the filtered light came through her hat creating patterns on her shoulder. I increased the light on her face a touch and darkened the background a bit to accentuate the model.